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Click here to download a folder of files

for the following webinar videos.

Episode 1:
Pyware Basics

In this session, I demonstrate the basics, from creating page tabs and performers to the use of important creating tools and transition tools.   

Episode 2:
Creating Your First Moment

I write drill LIVE and YOU can follow along with Pyware Open!  In this session, participants are given a Pyware file plus a music file.  We create a quick count sheet, set up our file, create a prop and enter performers.  Then follow along with me as I build to our first moment, discussing the “important section” method and the backwards method. 

Episode 3:
Bringing Your
Drill To Life

Watch Pyware me write drill LIVE and YOU can follow along with Pyware Open!  In this session, you receive a pre-planned Pyware file to use during the session.  We will work on integrating the color guard into the winds, plus make props move and performers get up on them.  Learn lots of tricks and short cuts. 

Episode 4:
Putting The Final Touches On Your Drill

Watch me write drill LIVE and YOU can follow along with Pyware Open!  In this session we finish writing the drill, add visuals, plus we learn to properly format the drill, create PDF’s of drill and coordinates, and discuss what you need to give to your clients.

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